Call to Order: Jody Nicholas
Invocation: Darrel Charlton
Pledges to U.S. and Texas Flags: Charles Sweeney
Song: “My Country ‘tis of Thee”
Welcome and Opening Remarks: Jody Nicholas
Certificate of Appreciation for Outgoing Board Member
Norm Dunbar
Legion of Honor

Diane Thompson 35 Years

Charles Sweeney 30 years
Presented by: Jody Nicholas
Certificates of Perfect Attendance
Presented by: Vivian Marschik
Charles Sweeney &

Darrel Charlton
Recognition of Division 23 Lt Governor Rhonda Hershey
Presented by: Jody Nicholas

Installation of 2024-25 Officers & Board:
Division 23 Lt Governor Rhonda Hershey

Darrel Charlton, Rhonda Hershey, Jody Nicholas, Vivian Marschik, Alice Krebs, Paul Loughran, Diane Thompson, Randy Stone, Jeanette McNiesh, David McClure
New President’s Remarks: Darrel Charlton

Benediction: Paul Loughran, President Elect

Motto: Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
Meeting Adjourns: Darrel Charlton